Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System
1398/12/03 Iran Attractions

Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

The Shushtar historical hydraulic system, inscribed as a masterpiece of creative genius, dates back to the time of Darius the Great, in the 5th century BC. Shushtar hydraulic system consisted of two main diversion canals on the Karun River. One of the canals, Gargar, is still in use for the water supply to the city of Shushtar through a series of tunnels that supply water to the mills, forming a spectacular cliff of waterfalls downstream and then the water goes thruegh the plain located on the south of the city where the farms and orchards exist on an area of 40,000 hectares known as Mianâb (Paradise). The property has a set of remarkable places such as the Salasel Castel, the center of operations of the entire hydraulic system, the tower where the water level is measured, dams, bridges, ponds and mills. For witnessing the ways of construction of Elamite and Mesopotamian, as well as the most recent Nabatean experience and the influence of Roman buildings, the place was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites since 2009.

Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

The Shushtar historical hydraulic system demonstrates its exceptional universal value, showing its current form, dating from the 5th century BC. It is complete, with numerous functions, and on a large scale, so it is exceptional.

Shushtar historical hydraulic system is a homogeneous, level-designed hydraulic system. It is so rich in its diversity of Civil Engineering structures and its constructions, as in the diversity of its uses (urban water supply, mills, irrigation, river transport, and the defensive system)

The historical hydraulic system of Shushtar testifies to the inheritance and synthesis of Elamite principles and knowledge of Mesopotamia; it was probably influenced by the Petra dam and tunnel and Roman civil engineering.

Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

The Shushtar historical hydraulic system, as a whole, and especially the Shadorvan bridge-dam, has been considered a marvel of the world, not only by the Persians, but also by the Muslim Arabs at the peak of their civilization. The Gargar canal is an artificial water course that made possible the construction of a new city and the irrigation of a vast semi-desert plain. The historical hydraulic system of Shushtar is located in a specific urban and rural landscape for the expression of its value.

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