Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Isfahan

Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Isfahan
1398/12/03 Iran Information

Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Isfahan

Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque

Sheikh Lotfollah mosque is a small jewel both on the inside and outside, perhaps, because it is a infrequent kind of mosque and also it lacks most of the typical elements of a mosque like iwan, courtyard and minaret, while offering great beauty and fabulous decorations. In addition, Sheikh Lotfollah mosque is very small and is almost camouflaged among the shops of the bazaar. Sheikh Lotfollah mosque did not need the minaret to call people for prayer because it was the private mosque of the Shah's family, whose palace, Ali Qapu, is located directly on the opposite side of Naghsh-e Jahan Square. On another side of Naghsh-e Jahan, there is the famous Imam Square where has been open to public. It is said that there is an underground passage that connects the palace and the Sheikh Lotfollah mosque, but nobody has written his personal experience about it.

Shah Abbas I moved the capital of the Persian Empire to Isfahan at the end of the 16th century and ordered to construct Sheikh Lotfollah mosque. The corridor that gives access to the mosque is designed in a way that it is impossible to see the interior from the street. The ceramic decoration is of an impressive beauty, both outside and inside. It is striking the effect "peacock tail" that is formed inside the dome by the reflection of the low light that enters through the windows. You never tire of seeing Sheikh Lotfollah mosque at any time of the day, and at night, when Naghsh-e Jahan square fills with people the Dome shines brightly and catches your eyes. 

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